Digital Abstract Art, Digital Art, Short Stories

A Prime Vessel For Creativity!

Sleep — Click on image for details

How much sleep do you need to function at your best? Are you an early bird or a night owl like myself?

There are days when I sleep so long that upon rising I’m in a groggy stateseemingly incapable of much but ablutions, a bit of food intake and believe it or not more sleep! During this period I’m basically in recovery mode, usually from a stressful situation like an intense work schedule, emotional deflation or just in need of a mental/physical leave of absence.

Then there are the days when it’s like I’m on fire. My brain goes into overdrive, ideas flow freely and I can’t get them from my head to hard copy fast enough! During those bursts of creativity, I tend to sleep in 4-hour blocks. Call it power sleeping if you will, but it’s similar to the effects of a power nap where the body and brain rest just enough to propel one through the rest of the day!

I recently lost my younger brother, my only sibling, and spent roughly a month in recovery mode. Now I’m in power sleep mode, and after taking a year long break from writing as I worked on other projects the creative juices are flowing again. The dots are connecting, the fire is burning bright, and I’m happy to be back in the writing saddle! I’m loving this phase!

So, what phase are you in now? What makes you a prime vessel for creativity? Would love you hear from you!

Contents compiled: September 9 2019
Originally published: September 9 2019
Image source: Moylom Art Studio
Copyright © 2019 Moylom Art Studio

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Digital Art, Poetry


I laid there
for what seemed like forever
trying to create
something of substance.
But my eyes
could not stay open long enough
to be of any use to me
or the creative process.
I, a prop to my pillow,
became its midnight companion
and a part of its creative process —

Contents written April 29 2019
Digital Art by Moylom Art Studio
Copyright ©2019 Moylom Art Studio